
Lampasas Texas Aglow Community Lighthouse
“One Thing” Report

Becky Gray (Current President of Lampasas Aglow Lighthouse) writes:

On the day of the Annual Lampasas Texas Lighthouse Vision Meeting, the weather forecast predicted icy roads, and cold winds with sleet and snow.  The phone lines were buzzing as our team went back and forth about cancelling and rescheduling due to potential inclement weather.  In the end, we decided to meet and trust.  The conditions turned out to be just fine without any hint of ice on the roadways.

At that meeting, an idea was placed upon the table to escape the captivity of our four walls, and glorify God publicly at our local outdoor theater.  We all agreed to pursue this uncommon and unusual idea.  Thus began the conception of “One Thing”, an event to honor the Lord Jesus Christ in Lampasas, Texas.

The vision for One Thing sprung from the pages of Luke and the Psalms.  As Mary, in Luke 10, and David, in Psalm 27, we realized that only “One Thing” is necessary.  And that “One Thing” is to hunger and seek after the Presence of the Lord every day of our lives.  He is our Daily Bread, and there is no substitute for His Presence in our lives.

For six months, One Thing developed strong and healthy in the womb of prayer.  God spoke and directed; we went and did.  He met us step for step.  We raised funds, did massive PR outreaches, organized a free hotdog lunch, had evangelistic training, and pierced the heavens with deep worship and prayer to prepare the way for the Lord for the day of the event.  Our Heart of Texas Area Team gave us their blessing, and they were committed to seeing us through this outreach.  We met with the local Ministerial Alliance and received their blessing to host “One Thing” in our city.  In addition, we were given the blessing of our city’s Parks and Recreation Director who oversees the park where we were to host the event.

We visited with pastors of our local churches and invited all people to come and worship Jesus together.  We did all that we knew to do, to blur the denominational lines and bring unity to the Body of Christ in Lampasas.  We gathered on June 8th with undivided attention and great intention of heart, soul, and mind to lift up Jesus Christ, the King of all kings in worship.

Louada Raschke and her A-Cross Generations team, led us in sweet, powerful, poured-out worship for almost two hours.  Louada gave a moving salvation invitation.  Even though we were in a public park, the atmosphere was intimate and safe.  Louada opened the book of her life and read from the tear stained pages.  Upon closing the book, one could not help but see how Jesus had touched every letter, every word, and sentence of her life to bring truth, healing, deliverance, a hope, and a future.

During the event, I had been worshipping when I saw a tall gentleman out of the corner of my eye.  I told him to make himself at home and to help himself to the free hotdog lunch we provided.  He said he’d already had a hotdog.  I then invited him to stay and worship.  As I watched him, my heart lunged with compassion.  He was unmistakably there by divine appointment.  After some time, he turned to leave and walked towards me on his way.  His eyes were filled to the brim with tears, and he unapologetically acknowledged his teary state when he said something about having a good cry.  By this time, I was very interested in what the Lord was doing in his heart, but not wanting to risk defiling the pristine work of the Holy Spirit by prying, I simply settled for an introduction.

He told me his name and where he was from, and I told him mine.  He then began to share that he drives an 18-wheeler and was passing through town, but became so tired that he didn’t think he could make it home.  So he pulled into the newly built gas station on the corner next to the park.  He said that when he stepped out of his truck he heard music, so he thought he would come check it out.  There is a tall, thick wall that divides the gas station and the outdoor theater where we were worshipping.  However, it did not hinder the work of the Holy Spirit, or stop this man.

With tears still floating in his eyes, he said God had been good to him, but that he hadn’t been very good to God.  I told him we had free Bibles if he wanted one.  He said he had plenty of Bibles.  We stood in silence for a moment or two, both of us completely aware of the deep work being done.  Tears still dampened his eyes when he finally said, “I’m refreshed now; I can make it home.”

The Lord wants all the lost sheep to make it home.  He doesn’t want any to perish; therefore, He leaves the ninety-nine to find the one.  This lone trucker was on God’s radar that day.  The Great Shepherd knelt down and reached out through an unusual idea that He gave to a group of four women who dared to believe that God would move in their city.

As the people of Aglow, we carry the truth of the Kingdom that restores people to a radiant place of relationship with God and one another.  What idea has the Lord given you that will make a difference in your community and bring His presence to those in need around you?

Aglow International - Every nation touched, every heart changed.  

(Repost from the Aglow International site Aglow.Org )

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